Welcome to Naturopathic Movement


  • In the initial consultation, we spend 90 minutes developing a comprehensive case analysis. Health goals will be uncovered and Naturopathic questioning of body systems will be used to understand presenting symptoms and underlying health concerns. We also like to investigate family history and past medical history alongside diet and lifestyle factors that may be causing dis-ease in the body. Pathology or functional testing may be indicated and requested for review at the next appointment and herbal or nutritional medicine will be suggested if it is indicated for the client. A therapeutic relationship is established to ensure you are heard and seen to get the most out of your consultation. Following the initial appointment, a treatment plan will be sent through to guide you until your next appointment. Join us in this Naturopathic Movement and experience the transformative power of holistic healing.

  • The follow-up is a 50-minute appointment. The follow-up consultation allows us to check in with how you are going with your treatment plan and work through any barriers that may have come up. In the second consultation pathology or blood tests may be analysed if it was not given prior to the first consultation and additional testing may be indicated if it was not completed within the first consultation. Follow-up appointments allow us to stay on track and to ensure improvements are made. An adjusted treatment plan will be offered with potential supplementation if indicated.

  • Our Acute consultation is offered for a brief check-in and to ask a few questions regarding important concerns that may have come up after the initial appointment. This appointment may also be used to go over blood test results/pathology provided it is under 5 pages long. Please book a follow-up if there are more than 5 pages to interpret. This consultation can also be used for an ACUTE HERBAL SCRIPT for common conditions such as the common cold, a “sleep herbal tonic mix”, supplement review or any other minor matter.

About us

Naturopathic Movement facilitates the journey of finding balance from within. Founded by Joanna Krahel (BHSc) in January 2024, Naturopathic Movement utilises Naturopathic Principles to address the root cause of your presenting complaint using a blend of holistic and evidence-based medicine to create a safe, and therapeutic consultation and treatment plan.

During your private consultation, we will work through presenting signs and symptoms via questioning and conversation where you will be deeply listened to ensure accurate treatment. Diet and lifestyle will be examined, and pathology/ functional testing may be discussed with herbal and nutritional medicine advised if indicated.

We treat a diverse range of conditions from stress, burnout, fertility, hormones, metabolism, thyroid issues and gut conditions such as IBS, allergies, histamine intolerance, acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Reach out for any enquiries! We look forward to meeting you on your health journey.

Contact Us

Thank you for reaching out to us at Naturopathic Movement. We are here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the information you need. Rest assured that your message is important to us and we will respond as soon as possible. Looking forward to connecting with you soon!